
International Land Art Project 27.6. – 13.7. 2014

The International Land Art Project 27.6. – 13.7.2014 was the first art project at Falland. The idea came to light a year before. Foreseeing that 2013 would be ten years after the initial gathering of 22 artists in Burragorang, Australia, this prompted serious planning to have another gathering that year. However, the gathering this time would be limited to a handful of symbolic artists due to restricted facilities and funding.

Alison Clouston and Boyd, and Sue Pedley, came all the way from Australia, the remaining two artists were native Scandinavians coming from Finland, Kaisu Koivisto, and Egil Martin Kurdøl, from local Lillehammer. In addition, both Caroline and Kjell participated in the project.

The artists worked for two weeks creating individual art works at Falland and in the surrounding areas. The International Land Art Project culminated with an Open Day on 12.07.2014. An intimate group of local people from Søndre Land and surrounding areas came to attend the day, which started with a performance by Alison Clouston and Boyd; guided tours to the artworks; soup lunch and an engaging talk lead by Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe around and about Land art/environmental art; spirituality and the role of art and artists in a changing world driven by capitalism. It would be that those who came to the Open Day gave their support in attendance had also witnessed the beginning of Falland's first art project and the setting for future programs.

Participating artists:

Sue Pedley

Alison Clouston and Boyd

Kaisu Koivisto

Egil Martin Kurdøl